Almost every photo is ©MissLoony, when the photo I use isn't mine I'll post a credit to the author! So no sticky paws please!:)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rain rain rain!!!

Didi inside the house

Finally we have rain!!Cold rain!I was so sick of the hot wheater!>.< I was really happy when I heard the rain,but the next moment I felt sad because of my dogs,they were outside in the rain!D: When I saw them,they were all wet,poor things!

So I went out with my dad and we assembled a little house for the dogs (luckily we bought it the night before!).
I've cut some carpet to cover the house's floor since it is made of cold plastic :c and they loved it!They feel warm and cozy,protected!

Tomás and the new house!^^


Arith Härger said...

tadinhos, agora ja estao protegidos e felizes ^^

Miss Loony said...

devias ter lá estado,ias te rir,eles com chuva ficam todos aparvalhaditos x)

Arith Härger said...

eu volto lá contigo mas só da no proximo mês amor. Mas vou relax ^^