Almost every photo is ©MissLoony, when the photo I use isn't mine I'll post a credit to the author! So no sticky paws please!:)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Almost here!

"Monday, September 24, 2012
I'm SO HAPPY!!!*-* Tomorrow I will have my new Canon Lens!!!It's not one from the L series but it was the most indicated for me since I'm still a student but want to follow photography as my profession and I need to build up a good portfolio :D

I can't wait to have it in my hands and try it out! It will be a huge step on my photos since it will allow me to do better wildlife and start on portraits for real :D

I already have some projects on my mind so expect something in the next month or so (it will depend on school work, I will finish this november so I have tons of works until there)

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