Fuchsia magellanica is the scientific name for this flower,
I used to love this flower when I was a kid.
My neighbor had a garden full of these and she used to pick some for me every now and then so I could play with them,pretending they were earings (In Portugal this flower is called "Princess earings").
My neighbor had a garden full of these and she used to pick some for me every now and then so I could play with them,pretending they were earings (In Portugal this flower is called "Princess earings").
I used to visit her almost every day,I loved her dogs to death,really she had the sweetest female dog I've ever met,she was called Linda.
Linda's son was like his mother,just as kind and affectionate but one day,he bit my face,I got lucky and only got a little scar,I could have lost an eye.
But still my love for that dog never died and it was painfull to hear the news about the death of mother and son.
I loved the older women from my street,they were always so lovable,probably because they were alone since their kids were all grown up and with their own families. I used to spend a lot of afternoons with them,I loved talking with them and listen to their stories and some of them used to give me tea and cookies!
How I miss the strawberry tea!
Those were times when people trusted each other, there were no dangers always looking,people weren't so greedy and malicious towards each others...or maybe it was just from my childish naive eyes...
Já me contast tantas vezes esta historia meu amor, tens muitas saudades n é? foi dasprimeiras coisas ke vi em ti, essa cicatriz hehe. finalmente deste uso a essa foto que eu tanto gosto, entre outras que nunca mais usas >> amo-te muito princesa piki, era bom voltar de vez em quando ao passado, á inocencia, de certa maneira ambus escrevemos sobre isso esta noite. Piki meu!
Não tenho saudades da dentada né x) a cicatriz chega para matar saudades disso :<
mas sim de facto tenho saudades de poder sair a rua sem medo de ser assaltada,de poder tocar a campainha do vizinho e perguntar se os posso visitar sem medo que me raptem,poder beber um chá oferecido sem medo que esteja drogado lol...tenho saudades dos anos em que era pequena e realmente as coisas eram diferentes.
Fiquei admirada de teres falado tambem da inocencia de criança :3 Obrigada por comentares meu piki <3
tambem tenho saudades de tempos assim meu pi..
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